Saturday, July 3, 2010

30 Days of Me: Day 2


Since I'm a girl, and I absolutely love movies, I have a hard time picking just one.
So I picked three of my favorites. Hope you don't mind!

Elf is a movie that I absolutely have to watch during the holiday season.
It's my favorite movie that has Will Ferrell in it. It's clean, and hilarious!
Never fails to make me happy on a down day. I <3 Elf! Oh, and I quote it like no other.

The Strangers is the only movie that has ever truly freaked me out.
After watching it, I refused to look out my windows at night when I heard a noise.
It's a good movie, sad, but really good.
P.S. The scene in the picture, I almost jumped out of my seat. Totally scared me!

Remember the Titans is just an awesome movie. It makes you laugh, makes you cry, and makes you want to be a better person. It's a movie that I can watch over and over again, no matter what time of year it is. Oh, and it has football,what more could a girl ask for?

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