Saturday, January 8, 2011

Token Single Girl

I realize that most (if not all) of my closest friends are married with kids. I'm very mature for my age and I'm not really into all of the drama that goes with people my age. My best friends are 33 and 34, married and they have 3 kids (they're a couple). I love each and every one of my friends, but sometimes it's hard having mostly married friends. I hear these things a lot...

"He might not be black, but I think he's single." - Last night I heard that. 

"I see you meeting someone this year.. getting married in a year or two.. having babies a year or two after that.. so you'll have babies I can play with when my youngest is 11!" - Uh.. sure, I'll get right on that.

"Maybe you shouldn't be so picky?" -You're right.. I should be with someone I can't stand JUST so I won't be single anymore. Thanks for the advice ;)

"He's cute.. is he your type?" - A girl can't go anywhere without my "future spouse" being pointed out to me.

"You would make a great wife. Why are you single again?" - Why are you talking?

And my favorite...

"Maybe you're single because you like sports too much and it intimidates guys." - Wow, I had never thought of that! I'll stop being me so I can get a man! Great idea!!!

As you can see, I'm only a little bitter about it. I know they're all good intentions, but I think because I'm so mature, people forget how young I am. I'm twenty. I don't need to be looking to get married right now. Though I would like to find someone, I'm in no rush. I want someone who's perfect for me, not perfect for that moment. He's out there somewhere, I just must not be ready for him yet. So if you're one of those people that says that to me or your single friends, please stop. I know you're trying to help, but it's more frustrating than being single. Thanks :)

Oh, and by the way, I'm off to hang out with my nagging married friends right now! Have a wonderful weekend! Two days until the big game! Go Ducks!

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