Sunday, February 5, 2012

I'm Baaaackkkk

Okay, I've had enough of a break from this blog. I don't have to feel bad about not posting as frequently as I want. I shouldn't feel bad anyways, this is my blog, I can post when I want! Anyways, to sort of fast forward to where I am right now.. I introduce, Brittany Bullet points:

  • I got accepted into the University of Hawaii (woot woot!!)
  • I will be going to Hawaii in 5 days!! (WOOT WOOT!!)
  • I'm still working at my crappy call center job (lucky though, they're firing people left and right!!)
  • I just started working graveyard on the weekends.. well.. starting tonight (SCARY!)
  • I'm going to be an auntie again! My sister is going to have a little boy on or around my birthday! 
  • I got my first B in college. Human Anatomy and Physiology kicked my butt!!
  • I work, go to school, and see my friends every chance I get.. so I guess that hasn't changed!
Now that you're up to speed, let me talk about tonight. My first graveyard shift. When I was given the shift, I thought.. hey, that will be nice! I can spend the days with my friends on the weekend and then just go to work after.. sweet! Well, I forgot one minor detail.. I'm a complete baby wuss chicken whimp when it comes to being alone at night. It's something I've come to accept about myself. If I'm alone at home at night, I can't sleep because every noise I hear is someone coming to kill me, so I grab my baseball bat and wait.

Well, tonight I've been hearing noises upstairs. I'm supposed to be the only one in this ENTIRE office, so noises upstairs are NOT OKAY!!!! So I have the doors into this office blocked by chairs, and I'm prepared. I've realized something about myself. I'm not afraid to stab someone in the neck. Seriously, if someone came in here and didn't have good intentions, I would grab my pen and stab them in the neck repeatedly until they were no longer a threat. I wouldn't even hesitate. I guess it's good to know what you'd do in a situation like that, but I hope I never find out for sure.

OH! And not only was I hearing noises.. at one point, somebody clocked me out. Which is weird because there's NOBODY ELSE HERE! So, yes I'm a little spooked.

But at least I'm not tired.

There is a bright side to every situation.

Miss me?

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