Friday, July 23, 2010

Sucky People

People suck sometimes. It's a true statement, and I stand by it. Shoot, even I suck sometimes. I'm not always the person I should be, so I have a little patience when it comes to the other sucky people. A little.

I'm moving to the town where my school is sometime in August (hopefully closer to Sept.), and it's 45 minutes away from here. Working full time as a nanny, and having FULL weekends, it's hard to find the time to get over there to look at houses. So, to my pleasant surprise, last Friday I went and looked at a place and it was perfect. A little too far out in the country for me, but it was nice, the roommate was nice, the room was big, rent was right up my alley, it couldn't be better! The girl, (we'll just call her S) was a little off, at least from what I'm used to. But she offered me the room on the spot! As I left we said we'd keep in touch, and move-in date was August 1st, the only part I didn't like.

Fast forward 2 days

I sent her a text asking if I could bring my mom by to see the place, just to show it off and show her how lucky I had gotten.. no response.. all day. Now, call me crazy, but we live in a time where people's cell phones are constantly glued to their hands, or are always within ear shot so you can run to it when it goes off (I know mine is) so you can't tell me she didn't get the text. I didn't get a response for days either.

Fast forward 4 days

I sent her a text to let her know that I was still planning on moving in, that none of my plans had changed, and to see if she was on the same page. I get a text back (2 hours later) saying, "Sorry! My brother needs a place to stay, so I gave him your room! You can have the smaller room for $50 less! Sorry." Okay, well first of all, the third bedroom we BOTH said at the time that I was there was way too small to be considered a bedroom. My bed wouldn't even fit in there, so that wasn't an option for me. Especially for only 50 less. Drop it 150, and maybe we could talk. Second, make your brother live in the small room! He's not paying rent. He could live on the couch! I'm sure he doesn't care. He's a guy. Guys don't care as much about privacy.

So here I am, a week later, back to the drawing board. Hoping.. no PRAYING that I'll find a place to live in time. I have 2 months, but still. It's a very stressful process. I'm taking this big fat NO I received as a blessing. That house probably isn't the one that I'm supposed to be in.

So I'll keep looking.
And I'll find the one.
In town.
Without a flakey roommate.
Wish me luck!

Take care, and God bless.


  1. I think it's a HUGE blessing when I don't even have to take a second to say, "God are you SURE this is what you want for me" because he already *slammed* the door shut making it OBVIOUS that it's His will. You'll find what He has for you - in His timing (which is always perfect). Trust in Him Brit (which I know you do and already are). :)

    ps. aren't you glad you aren't living with someone who would just throw you under the bus like that anyway? *Blessing!* Who knows - maybe the roommate you end up with will end up being one of your closest friends ever!

    Love you!!!

  2. I'd agree, some people are just morons. What she did was really mean though...should've said NO first time when she agreed to give you room.
