Monday, July 18, 2011

True Confessions

I confess that if I could move to Florida tomorrow, I wouldn't hesitate.

I confess that I made way too many videos of my brother and I playing Rock Band when I went to visit him Thursday-Saturday. I also confess that rocking the microphone and getting 100% on some songs on expert gave me this weird sense of awesomeness. Yes, I am awesome, but the fact that Rock Band made me feel awesome is a LITTLE lame. 

I confess that I secretly can't wait for Jersey Shore to come back on. Call me crazy, but it's just so entertaining. I'm addicted. And Vinny is definitely some good eye candy ;)

I confess that I have done absolutely nothing today on my day off, and I'm perfectly okay with that!


  1. lol your post made me laugh! Esp regarding Rockband and Awesomeness! too funny! I also do a lot of link-ups. I think 90% of my posts are link that bad?

  2. haha Vinny is my fav Jersey Shore-ite as well!

    Oh and I took a week off blogging and totally got that loving feeling back haha

  3. LOVE the last image (about the pajamas). Jeff's on a business trip (so I can't have him grab stuff for me on the way home) and I was just thinking (at 5pm) "I should really load the kids up and go buy some toilet paper, batteries for our chirping fire alarm, and some bread... but I already have my jammies on!" :)
