Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday

Holy Uncreated One
Your beauty fills the skies
But the glory of Your majesty
Is the mercy in Your eyes

Worthy Uncreated One
From heaven to earth come down
You laid aside Your royalty
To wear the sinner's crown

O Great God, be glorified
Our lives laid down
Yours magnified
O Great God, be lifted high
There is none like You

Jesus, Savior, God's own son
Risen, reigning Lord
Sustainer of the Universe
By the power of Your word

O Great God, be glorified
Our lives laid down
Yours magnified
O Great God, be lifted high
There is none like You

And when we see Your matchless face
In speechless awe we'll stand
And there we'll bow with grateful hearts
Unto the Great I am

O Great God, be glorified
Our lives laid down
Yours magnified
O Great God, be lifted high
There is none like You

In the spirit of Good Friday, I thought I would share these lyrics. This is one of my favorite worship songs ever. It really speaks about God's amazing love and mercy. We're not worthy of His love, or His mercy, but He thinks we are. If the Creator of our world thinks that we are worthy of His love, then shouldn't we think so too? Shouldn't we be ever so thankful that HE thinks we're special. HE loves us. That says something about the people we are called to be, and the God that we serve. I've been reading a book by Max Lucado called 3:16 The Numbers Of Hope, and I have to admit, it's brought a whole new meaning to the verse that most Christians memorize, and probably know by heart, but don't take the time to dive in deeper. I really liked this quote and I want to share it with you.

"'God so loved the world. . .' We'd expect an anger-fuled God. One who punishes the world, recycles the world, forsakes the world. . . but loves the world?

The world? This world? Heartbreakers, hope-snatchers, and dream-dousers prowl this orb. Dictators rage. Abusers inflict. Reverends think they deserve the title. But God loves. And he loves the world so much he gave his:
No. The heart-stilling, mind-bending, deal-making-or-breaking claim of John 3:16 is this: God gave his son . . . his only son. No abstact ideas but a flesh-wrapped divinity. Scripture equates Jesus with God. God, then, gave himself. Why? So that 'whoever believes in him shall not perish.'"

Personally, I'm thankful that God hasn't over-looked us. He loves us no matter how many times we turn our back on Him. He loves us no matter where we've been, and where we're going. He knew everything we would do before we were even born, and yet He STILL died for us. That is the ultimate love, and I'm so thankful for my God. I could sing of Your love forever. Thank you Jesus for loving me, and thank You for loving this "unlovable" world.

Hope you have a good weekend, and you take the time to thank our Savior for loving us. God bless.

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