So I didn't get the job. They hired someone with more experience. Psh! How am I supposed to get experience if you won't hire me? I'll admit, I was a little disappointed, but I'm honestly okay with it. I was praying while I was driving to work today and I asked God to keep me from getting the job if it wasn't the job for me and if it wasn't going to glorify him. I'm thankful that I have a job right now and it's not a I NEED A JOB RIGHT NOW kind of situation. I trust in God and what he's doing, so I'm just going to be patient. I'm still looking, but I'm being patient.
I'm making it a point to make it over to P-ville more often. Seriously, it's 20 minutes away and me not getting over there to see my peeps is just not cool. I mean, I work 24 hours a week and I go to school full time, but still, I should see them more! So I went over there last night and stayed over at my BFF's house. We watched Paranormal Activity 2 and after she went to sleep I watched Austin Powers in Goldmember with her daughter. We cracked up until finally passing out at 2:00 am. This morning I had coffee with my amazing and [very] pregnant friend, Aime and her beautiful 2 year old daughter. I'm noticing that when I get to see these people (who are really more like family than friends) my spirits are a lot higher than normal. I honestly just made it through a rough patch spiritually, so being around these women who are so in love with God is just what my heart needs!
Speaking of spiritual warfare, my church is currently going through a Heaven and Hell series. I know, I know.. it's intense. A lot of pastors shy away from that topic, but my pastor (who just happens to be my best friends' husband and my hermano) hasn't shied away from it at all. I sing on the worship team at church (pretty sure I mentioned that a million times) so I was asking Kelly (she's leading this week) what songs we were singing this week... this is how our conversation went:
Me: What songs are we singing this week?
K: Well.. we're starting out with "Highway to Hell,"... Chad's going to lead that one.
Me: *shocked look* Really?
K: Yeah
Me: Like... for real??
K: Like.. yeah!!
Me: Like... AC/DC Highway to Hell?
K: Yup
Me: Like... "I'm on a highway to hell!"????
K: That's the one
Me: Wow... that's freakin' awesome!
So.. we're keeping it interesting over here in Central Oregon. If you want to check out the sermons, you can go over
here and slide the cursor over "Resources" at the top and it should pull down and show the sermons. The current series has been challenging, but sometimes that's what we need. A little somethin somethin to challenge us to be the best us we can be.