Sunday, May 23, 2010

It's Sunday

And I've decided that as of now, it's going to be Getting To Know You Sunday! I'm new to the "blogging world" so I'm going to do everything I can to get involved. Let me know what else is out there that I can be involved in. I have six more days of the week people! If you want to be involved, just go here and copy the questions and post the picture. Here we go!

1. Mens chests..hairy or hairless?
Hairless, please. I'm not really a fan of hair. I could maybe stand a little, but I can't do the whole "hairy beast" thing.

2. How often do you run red lights?
I've only done it once! It was late one night, and I was driving the same road I always drive on, and I was just so set on getting home, I missed the red light. Oops. Yellow lights are a different story though ;)

3. If you could raid any celebrity's closet..whose would you raid?
I would raid Lady Gaga's closet.. just to see what weird things she has in there.

4. Would you rather have more followers/friends on Facebook, Twitter, or your Blog?
I would rather have more followers on my blog.. it's personal, and I'm sharing with the world.. so read it, darn it!

5. What makes you feel sexy?
Cute jeans, and my "red" shirt.

6. I get excited when...........?
My ducks win.. I go to the gym.. I see someone I haven't seen in a long time! When I win at things :)

7. Are you the "outdoorsy" type or more "indoorsy"?
Indoorsy, mostly. I do love swimming in the lake in the summer time though!

8. Would you rather have your dream home or a million dollars?
A million dollars! I could buy my dream home, and do a lot of good things with the money!

I hope you all are having a great Sunday! I know I am. I'm ready for the season finale of Celebrity Apprentice tonight. Anybody else watch that show? Go Brett Michaels! Have a fantastic rest of your weekend! Take care, and God bless!

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