Monday, May 3, 2010

Where the Lines Overlap

I really suck at staying on top of this blog. I promise I'll do better. I had a great weekend, and I'm excited for the weekend ahead of me. This is what happened this last weekend.

  1. Trip to Eugene- With my "seester". We got into town around 8pm Friday night.
  2. Rockband party- Didn't quite turn out as planned, but it was still a blast, and you best believe I rocked that "Anyway you want it" by Journey. I'm just that cool.
  3. Lack of sleep- I mean this in the best possible way. My grandma is crazy. I love her to pieces, but she's crazy. She talks to herself. Full on conversations. It's not an under-the-breath-talk-to-herself.. it's a loud-and-proud-for-the-world-to-hear-talkin'-to and when you go to sleep at four, and the talking begins at 7 in the morning, it's no bueno.
  4. Duck spring game- Um.. amazing. I'm so ready for the football season to start. 25,000+ there to support the ducks, and our troops. After the game, the ducks lined up on one side of the field, and the soldiers that are about to be deployed lined up on the other side, and they all met midfield, and the football players took off their jerseys and gave them to the soldiers. It was powerful, and awesome. Made me proud to be a duck fan :)
  5. Church, Kelly day- Obviously, we know what church is, but after church I spent the entire day with one of my favorite people. We took naps, watched animal planet and celebrity apprentice, and vegged the entire day. I love days like that.
My weekend was really good, and I'm really looking forward to this next weekend. I get to see two people that I've known since 4th grade get married. It's going to be amazing. I'll try to keep up this week. It's not like I'm all that busy or anything ;) Hope you're having a great Monday! Take care, and God Bless.

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