Thursday, April 7, 2011


I'm a little embarrassed that it's been over two weeks since I last posted on here. I'm still alive (thanks for the wake up call, Karey)! I've been going through a growing season. God has been stretching me and molding me a lot lately and it has left me a little spent. I'm good, I've just been spending less time online and more time in the word. I'm definitely excited about what God's been doing in my life.

One of the big things that has changed is I'm in a different small group (bible study/life group/whatever you want to call it). The group I was in consisted of married, engaged and single older people.. ages 20-48. I was the youngest in the group and I was feeling unheard. I had been feeling this way for a while but the "people pleaser" in me didn't want to upset anybody. There were some things that went on that didn't involve my small group, things that helped me to grow. It hurt a lot, but I've grown from it, and it led me to talk to my small group leader about leaving the group. Our small group broke off a few months ago, and the new group is perfect for me. Ages 20-26.. I fit right in, finally! I just started going Tuesday night, and it felt like it's exactly where God wanted me to be. I can grow, and learn, and share experiences with these people. They know what I'm going through right now because they're going through the same things! I feel like a new me right now. I'm through that rough season, I'm just wondering what the next one will bring.

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