Saturday, February 19, 2011


You never realize how important internet is until you CAN'T use it. I've been without internet for the past week, and it has been annoying. I've needed it for school, so it's been frustrating! But, it's all fixed so I'll stop complaining. I had a snow day this week! We randomly got hit with about 5 inches of snow (10 in Bend) so my classes were canceled. It was awesome! It couldn't have come at a better time, too. 

I ended up dropping my Psych class. I can't remember if I stated that in the last post, but I did it. I got a C on my first exam. Which isn't bad, but it was the only grade that I had for the whole term so far, since we never have homework other than studying. I got my midterm grades, and I had a D in the class, which made no sense. So I talked to my instructor and he said it was because I didn't get 100% on some of the sections, so that meant that I didn't study, so I got a 0 for those sections in homework. It's total BS if you ask me, and I didn't need to take another psych class, so I dropped it. To be quite honest, I've gotten rid of a lot of stress when I dropped it. I'm not so exhausted on Tuesday and Thursday, and it's been nice. 

Next Saturday I'm doing something huge. Something that if it goes through could be life altering! Like, more so than a move to Florida. I don't want to say anything about it yet though, because if it falls through I don't want to hear about it from EVERYBODY. I'd just hear about it from a select few (sister, if you want to know, just call my mom or me or whatever and I'll tell you ;)). Sorry for being vague again, but I'm really excited!!! This really could change everything. In an amazing way. So hopefully, God willing, it will happen. :)

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Stay safe and warm! God Bless :)

1 comment:

  1. Good Lord - YES, I'll be calling SOMEONE, lol! :) Love you, and totally trust that you're being LED to whatever it is your "not" talking about... ;)
