Monday, February 21, 2011

Numero Uno

I remember laughing when my stepmom told me that having a cat at my age is the best thing for a girl. They're always there to snuggle you when you've had a bad day (if you have a good one) and they'll always love you.. as long as you feed them. I seriously laughed at her when she said that. Now, Masoli (my cat that I brought home from Alabama, but is now my stepdad's cat) isn't that cat. He's not the cat that KNOWS when I'm sad so he snuggles me. He's not the cat that eats my headphones if I leave them on my bed like an idiot. He's not the cat that comes when I make my stupid cat noise. He's not the cat that sleeps in my room, on my bed next to me every night. No, Masoli is not that cat. 

But my Uno is. I know he's just a kitty, but he's the only boy in my life. He's annoying and crazy, but I love him to pieces. I'm thankful for my Uno kitty. Even if he is a brat. Who couldn't love this? (I'm not a cat lady, I swear!)

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