Wednesday, February 9, 2011


After a week like last week, I needed a good one. 
So far, other than sleeping through my alarm yesterday..
This week has been good. For the most part.
I decided to drop my Psych class.
Not only were his expectations unrealistic, 
it's been a huge weight on my shoulders.
Dropping the class has already killed some stress.
So here's what I'm loving this Wednesday!

I'm Loving... That Valentine's day is next Monday, and I'm not even a little sad about being single. I know some singles out there like to think of Valentine's day as singles awareness day.. and I'll admit to being one of those people once upon a time. I'm loving that I'm not bitter about being single. 

I'm Loving... "She is Love" By Parachute.. it's amazing.. I've heard it in passing before, but when I actually stopped and listened to it, I fell in love :)
I'm Loving... Playing Yahtzee with Kelly. We're total nerds, but anytime we have some down time, it's yahtzee time, baby!

I'm Loving... That I get to go to Eugene this weekend and see my brother and my grandma. Visiting them always makes me happy.. even if it is for only a weekend.
I'm Loving... That people have been telling me they're praying for me to not move to Florida. It shows that I'm loved.

I'm Loving... That even though I've been sick three times (since January), I'm getting better, and I've done it all without medicine! Woot. I'm anti-drugs unless they're absolutely necessary, and I've gotten through these sicknesses quicker than anyone else around me, and I did it without help. Take that.

I'm Loving... That my car was fixed for only $50 by a friend from church. He is awesome and now my car doesn't scream at me..seriously.. it sounded like it was screaming at me.
I'm Loving... That it's Wednesday, and that other than my homework, I didn't do a single productive thing today. Go me! Yay for lazy days (that are much needed!!!)

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