Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

It's another beautiful (kind of) Wednesday
And that means it's time for What I'm Loving Wednesday!

I'm Loving... Muscle relaxers. I picked up my friends 2 year old daughter last night and I'm pretty sure I pinched a nerve in my back. I can't move my left leg without my back hurting, and I can't move my back without my back hurting. So muscle relaxers are my best friend right now. Even though they make me feel funny. I don't really like that part. 

I'm Loving.. My best friend's kiddos. We were at a wedding this past Sunday, and this little guy goes out to the pond behind the venue and catches a fish. With his bare hand. And while we were at the wedding, his sister's softball team won their first championship at a tournament! I'm a proud auntie!  

I'm Loving.. My handsome kitty, Uno. He's getting so big, and he's STARTING to calm down (thank God.. he's kind of crazy!) But I love him. He always knows when I'm sad and I need him to snuggle me. He's my fur kid :)

I'm Loving... All of the birthday's! It was my stepdad's birthday yesterday, and it's another friend's birthday today! It just means that my birthday is getting closer, too! Fifteen days.. not that I'm counting. Okay, okay, I'm counting! I can't help it. 
I'm Loving... Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. I've been watching it from the beginning on Netflix. I'm on season two and I'm remembering why I love the show so much! It's addicting and it's definitely something that I'm loving when my back is hurting so much!

I'm Loving.. That it's Wednesday, and that means it's almost Friday! I'm having a date with my mommy at Applebees after we both get off work on Friday night. I love spending time with my mom :)

I'm Loving that there is always something to be thankful for.
What are you loving this Wednesday?

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