Friday, June 17, 2011

Fit Friday

It's been a while, but I'm back in the game! I've lost 4.3 lbs since Monday! Woot! And that was just with different food choices. I worked out today, and I feel unstoppable! I can't wait to spend a few hours in the pool! As soon as my tattoo finishes healing up I'll be able to.

Since it IS Fit Friday, and I spent two WHOLE hours this morning looking for songs with a decent bpm (beat per minute) I decided to share some of the tunes I found and where I found them. There's a website called If you're anything like me, this website will be a huge help. My drug (or machine) of choice at the gym is the elliptical. I average around 140 spm (strides per minute) so I need a song that's up there in bpm otherwise I will literally slow down. It's not on purpose, it's just something that goes along with being a musical kind of person. Here are some of the good finds from today:

The Edge Of Glory - Lady Gaga [129 bpm] I'm not usually a fan of the Gaga, but this song is pretty motivating.
Give Me Everything - Pitbull ft. Neyo [129 bpm] Something about Pitbull just get's me moving.
How To Love - Lil Wayne [76 bpm] Not as high as the other ones, but it's a good song nonetheless.
Party Rock Anthem - LMFAO [133 bpm] LMFAO and 3oh!3 always get me going on the elliptical!
Super Bass - Nicki Minaj [132 bpm] I'm just addicted to this song!
Choke - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus [189 bpm] THIS SONG KICKS MY BUTT. My instinct is to go faster when the music is faster. This is a good one towards the end of my workout.
Rolling in the Deep - Adele [108 bpm] It's Adele, and she sounds like she could kick some butt in this song. Enough said :)
Dirty Dancer - Enrique ft. Usher [134 bpm] Another upbeat one with 2 of my favorite guys ;)
See you Again - Miley Cyrus [138 bpm] Don't judge, gotta do whatever it takes to keep a good pace!
Heart Breaker - Pat Benatar [156 bpm] She's amazing. Just sayin.
PoP! Goes My Heart - Hugh Grant [125 bpm] PLEASE tell me you've seen Music & Lyrics. <3 this song!

What helps you get through a tough workout?

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