Wednesday, June 1, 2011


It's that time again!
Time to link up with Jamie
and share what I'm loving this Wednesday!

I'm Loving... my new job. Though it's cutting into my personal time more than I thought it would, I'm loving the job anyways! My next paycheck is going to be killer (over 80 hours). That being said, I miss my friends.

I'm Loving... that my BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW! If you know me irl, you'll know this to be true. I don't let anybody forget that my birthday is in [insert number] days.

I'm Loving... again, I'm probably a total nerd for putting this one on here twice, but Law & Order: SVU. It's what I watch every night before falling asleep. It might seem weird but it winds me down and makes it easier to fall asleep. Weird, because that kind of show should give me nightmares!

I'm Loving... that I can blame the fact that I change my mind for my tattoo about every day on the fact that I'm a female. Try and stop me.

I'm Loving... that tomorrow I get to see my Eugene family. I miss them and it's always fun seeing them! Pedicures with my mom and grandma on my 21st birthday.. sounds good to me!

I'm Loving... My strengthening relationship with my brother. It's really important to me that we stay close, and we definitely are.. and that makes me happy.

I'm Loving... Mac computers. This is absolutely crazy for me to say, since I'm a firm believer in pc's.. but I've been working on a mac, and I have to say.. it is pretty nice. Maybe that will be my next purchase when my computer goes down the drain (which I have a feeling isn't too far off).

I'm Loving... that it snowed during memorial day weekend. Yep. Real snow. Snowflakes were falling at the end of May in Oregon. And if you don't realize that this is a sarcastic kind of love, then you need to be checked. Because I'm laying it on pretty thick ;)

I'm Loving... Life. <3

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