Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 11!

Day 11: Favorite TV Shows

Grey's Anatomy- It's definitely changed a lot from where it used to be, but I still love the show. Especially after the season finale. Ho-ly.Cow.

One Tree Hill- Another show that I've watched from the beginning (Well, I caught up and started from the beginning with the dvds, but I started watching on season 4). I absolutely love this show. Even with Peyton and Lucas gone, it's still good. Quinn and the agent are definitely filling a void.

Teen Mom- I can't help myself but be intrigued at these girls that are my age and already have kids of their own. Shoot, they're probably even younger. It's just crazy to me, but it's fun to watch the babies grow. Amber on the other hand.. don't get me started on that girl.

Law & Order: SVU- Definitely my favorite Law & Order show. I love the detectives.. Olivia and Elliot.. they're just awesome. The show is always good and always keeps my attention til the very end.

Glee- Popular music. Choir singing it. Need I say more? Couldn't make my heart more happy. Some o f the drama is lame, but I love me some Sue. She's pretty much the best.

There are some other shows that I watch here and there, but really the first two are the only ones I watch "religiously" other than like sportscenter and stuff like that. :)

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