Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sometimes it's the Smaller Things...

100 Things That Make Me Happy <3
  1. Jesus
  2. My family
  3. My friends
  4. Ducks Football
  5. A's Baseball
  6. Pumpkin Spice Latte's 
  7. Dutch Bros.
  8. Hoodies
  9. Autumn
  10. Long phone conversations
  11. Making people laugh
  12. The holiday season
  13. Watching a movie at the theatre
  14. Sharpie pens!
  15. The first day of school
  16. The last day of a semester
  17. My birthday
  18. Celebrating other people's birthdays
  19. Listening to Drunk people sing Karaoke (especially meatloaf duets!)
  20. RockBand with my brother!
  21. Singing at church <3
  22. Singing in general
  23. The first snow fall
  24. Walking on fresh snow
  25. Stomping on crunchy leaves
  26. Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
  27. The Glades (new tv guilty pleasure!)
  28. Hearing kiddos laugh :)
  29. A big, strong, long hug!
  30. My iPhone 4 <3
  31. Zumba!
  32. Putting on sweats after work
  33. The sore feeling the day after a work out
  34. Hearing my favorite song on the radio
  35. The first day of Christmas music on the radio
  36. Baking on a cold winter night!
  37. The relief I feel after I've finished a ton of homework
  38. Getting an A on a test
  39. Helping someone understand something
  40. Arguing sports :)
  41. Playing Nertz!
  42. Playing Killer Uno with a bunch of people
  43. Watching Elf for the first time in December
  44. Listening to "I Love My Ducks" every time Tanner is in my car
  45. Pinterest!!!
  46. Facebook. Though it makes me sad too.
  47. When people spell "definitely" right.
  48. When people use "they're, their, and there" the right way
  49. The sound of tires on gravel!
  50. The drive from Sisters to Eugene
  51. Nap time with my bff
  52. Naps in general
  53. Buying a new perfume and wearing it for the first time
  54. When someone freaks out like I do about Moths. (EVIL!)
  55. Goodys! (Or any other frozen yogurt place)
  56. Inspirational quotes
  57. Hearing old school BSB and N*Sync!
  58. When someone knows what movie I'm quoting
  59. Duck game days!!
  60. Watching movies I loved as a kid
  61. Watching the sun set
  62. Watching the sun rise
  63. Seeing people worship God
  64. Sending random pictures to my brother
  65. Surprising my grandma <3
  66. Getting off work early!
  67. Busy days at work (not today)
  68. When strangers call me sweetie or doll
  69. Damnyouautocorrect.com 
  70. Telling people about my official blonde moment
  71. Having someone play with my hair
  72. Receiving snail mail!
  73. Cosmo Magazine
  74. Seeing an old friend
  75. Surprising friends with their favorite coffee
  76. Doing favors for people
  77. Allowing others to express their love language
  78. Getting flowers
  79. Sending song lyrics in text messages
  80. When a song expresses exactly how I'm feeling
  81. When people know how to MERGE!
  82. When God stops me in my tracks when my attitude sucks
  83. When people realize how much I really love my ducks
  84. When people tease me (only if they can take it, too)
  85. When someone says something that makes the whole room go "OOH!!"
  86. Compliments. Giving and receiving.
  87. When my hair is straight and soft :)
  88. The moment I realize that God has pulled me through a season and I have grown.
  89. Doodling song lyrics because I can't get it out of my head <3
  90. Hearing the words "I love you"
  91. Saying "I love you"
  92. Fuzzy socks :)
  93. Beanies! (Only in the winter)
  94. Being told a secret
  95. Good hair days!
  96. Wearing new clothes for the first time
  97. Sleeping in sheets fresh out of the dryer
  98. When my bed is made (I rarely make it)
  99. Road trips with loud music and lots of singing!
  100. Appreciating everything I have <3

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