Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 19!

DAY 19: Something You Miss

I miss my best friend. I haven't seen her in a long time and it's been 6 years since we've lived in the same town. I miss the goofy people we are around each other. It's awesome, and I miss it a lot.

I miss being a kid, and not having to worry about anything. Worrying about bills, and school and finding a job is way stressful. I miss being carefree and happy all the time.

I miss my high school friends. I haven't seen them all in so long, and I miss them like crazy. I think a trip to Eugene is in store in my new future.. really, there is a trip planned.

I miss singing in a choir. I sang in a choir from 4th grade til my senior year of high school. I miss singing with a bunch of other people to make a beautiful sound. I get to sing with a smaller group of people every Sunday, but it's not the same.

I miss M. As much as I try not to I do. I'll miss him for a long time. I can't help it.

I miss summer. I'm usually a winter kind of girl, but I really enjoyed last summer, and I'm ready for it to come back.

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