Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 20! (100th post!!)

100 posts! Ahh, I can't believe I have posted that many times. It's been a fun, emotional and exciting journey. Here's to 100 more!

Day 20: Nicknames

I have so many nicknames, and I've had so many in the past, it should be fun remembering them all!!

Britters- This one is used by so many people, I couldn't tell you who came up with it.

Frog lips- When I was little, I would pout when I didn't get my way, so my uncle Arnold called me frog lips. It kind of stuck for a while.

Britt-a-nanny- This one is from my mom. I absolutely hate it, but she does it on purpose and gets other people to do it too. I guess it makes sense though, the nanny part. ;)

Brittme- Probably my favorite nickname ever! It was given to me by Kelly's little boy, when he was three. I was getting in the car to go to their house with them and he said "Britme, you com-ma my house?" It was the cutest thing, and it stuck. He just stopped saying it. He said Brittany, and I about cried. Made me sad. I guess it makes him feel like a big boy to say my name right.

Brickney- Another friend of mine's little boy who couldn't pronounce my name.

B- Hannah, Sarah, Alita and Chad call me this the most. I had never been called B until I was 19 years old. Weird, right?

Britt- I hate being called britt.. but hey, my name is Brittany, what can ya do?

Goober- Brother gave me this one when I was about 8 or 9. I love it. He still calls me it.

Turd head- It's what my dad calls me, no matter how many times my step mom tries to remind him that I'm a woman now, he'll still call me it. Or he'll disguise it as "TH"

Bee-are-it-knee- From a guy I worked with at Albertsons back in the day. He would say my name that way over the intercom. Good times.

Brittners- from Randy. He always calls me that for some reason. It's fun though.

Britt-tizzle- From Alicia. She's A- lizzle, I'm Britt-tizzle. It's our gangsta names.

Britt-nasty- Thanks a lot, Russell.

I think that's it. I might be forgetting some, but that list is good enough, right?

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