Thursday, January 27, 2011


Day Nine - How I Hope My Future Will Be

I can hope and pray how I want my future to turn out all I want, but I honestly think that whatever happens, happens. God is in control of my life, and I have no grasp on what He really can do. I can want 5 kids, to be a nurse, blah blah blah.. (I really don't want 5 kids, but that's not the point) but if it's not what He wants for me, then it's really not going to happen. Sometimes (okay, almost ALL THE TIME) His plans are way better than mine are. That being said.. 
He likes to bless us with the desires of our hearts. My desire is to help people. I believe I can do that through nursing. I also would really like to meet a man that isn't perfect.. perfect is boring, but that compliments me perfectly. A best friend that I can fall in love with. I would also love to be a mommy. Whether it be through adoption, or having children of my own, it's a desire that I hold deep inside my heart. 

I just want to make a difference in the world. I want to be remembered as a person who loved God with her whole heart and lived to serve Him. Even if it wasn't in the ways that most people think of serving. Those really are my deepest desires. 

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